This is the yet unfinished story of a German - Spanish couple with five children who left their home in Germany to widen their horizon at the other end of the world - New Zealand. They moved from Mainhardt (Lkr Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-Württemberg) to spend 2+ years in Thames (Coromandel, Waikato, North Island) in September 2010.
Samstag, 18. Januar 2014
Samstag, 11. Januar 2014
Freitag, 10. Januar 2014
Samstag, 4. Januar 2014
Which is the best swimhole on the Coromandel? ...
Which is the best swimhole on the Coromandel? This was a question posted yesterday on the facebook account of The Coromandel - well, this one perhaps not famous but very nice and closeby to our home in Thames!
Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014
A favourite pastime for warm summer evenings.
First day this summer that we (the remaining five of our family) went to "The Bridge", a wonderful "swimhole" in the Kauaeranga river. Just a few minutes by car away from us, it is a wonderful spot to spend a warm summer evening. The audacious (who are many) jump from the big rock into the water, which is often surprisingly warm for a mountain creek. And - it's for FREE!
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