Sonntag, 26. September 2010

26th September

First day with really good weather (with exception of the day we came to Piha). Warm and sunny all day long. We drove the ten km to Thames on the road directly alongside the shore; a pleasure with this weather! In Thames we did long walks along the seaside. The coast of Thames is fitted with a footpath. It is a muddy shore with mangroves, under the influence of the tides. Thus it it a paradise for many birds, particularly waders. There is a hide from where you can watch them. Atypical for Germany were the surroundings of this paradise: a huge shopping centre and a rubbish dump in close neighbourhood.
We discovered a hill with a monument from where you can overview all Thames. The rest of the day we stayed in our beach house. Elena and me cleaned the car from yesterday's mud and did a walk on the beach, admiring the pretty bungalows at the shore, with their beautiful gardens.
See some pictures and videos of our new environment.

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