This is the yet unfinished story of a German - Spanish couple with five children who left their home in Germany to widen their horizon at the other end of the world - New Zealand. They moved from Mainhardt (Lkr Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-Württemberg) to spend 2+ years in Thames (Coromandel, Waikato, North Island) in September 2010.
Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011
Pohutukawa-Blüte - Pohutakawa Blossom
Zur Zeit ist es hier echt trüb und grau. Die Nächte sind eher schwül, die Tage aber nix für den Strand. Wenn aber die Sonne mal scheint, sieht es hier so aus:
These days are very grey and moist. The nights tend to be muggy, and at daytime people don't usually feel like going to the beach. But if the sun comes through in between, it looks like this:
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