Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

Different attitudes

Within the last months, I am becoming more impressed about the social determination New Zealanders have. There are some initiatives for the poor that I can hardly grasp with the attitude I've grown up with. Nurses and social workers take so much patience visiting poor or self-neglecting people at home and going with them through their issues like diabetes, immunisations, domestic stuff like violence and neglect etc.. The willingness to share is much bigger. Everywhere initiatives to raise funds for poor groups or individuals. A strong attitude against disrespect and neglect. 
I tended to believe that it is important to leave people a much bigger piece of self-resposibility than what they do here. A different kind of society, but surely not inferior.
On the other hand there are less fixed believes on how a person has to be. In that sense more liberty and self-responsibility is given.

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