Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016

Biannual tour to Europe

After our biannual family meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany, we saw the Spanish side of the family in Madrid, Spain.
At our meeting in Karlsruhe we were 30 family members from all over Germany, Sweden and Canada (of 39, then including Australia and Venice). As our family is very distributed over the globe we do not see each other much to experience family, which I consider important especially for the younger generation.
In Spain we saw the (currently unwell) father of Elena and more family. This is the downside from expatriatism, especially when far away: The cost and time to physically see family.

Familientreffen in Deutschland

Madrid City

El Escorial

Indoor Market in Madrid

Wax Museum

Illegally deposited turtles in Atocha, Madrid

Street artist in Madrid

Wax museum

El Escorial - countryside (in spring)

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